Top 5 Mistakes I Made Replatforming a Multimillion Dollar Ecommerce Website

A case study on replatforming Ecommerce that outlines some of the biggest mistakes that were made and proven methods of digging your way out of a hole.

Rob Johnson

by Rob Johnson

Sep 2nd 2015

I gave this presentation at the 2015 SLC|SEM Digital Marketing Conference. I'm always grateful to have the opportunity to speak at conferences and the folks who run SLC|SEM are great people.

The deck outlines some of the biggest mistakes I felt I made/contributed to, during the recent replatforming project that has consumed me for the past year.


  1. No Dedicated QA or stable staging environment
  2. Performance / load testing was not performed on checkout
  3. Marketing team didn't have a good understanding of the new promotions engine
  4. Didn't obsess over old external and internal links
  5. Didn't understand the SEO impact when switching from http to https

See the original presentation below.

Top 5 mistakes I made replatforming a multimillion dollar eCommerce website from Rob Johnson

Some tweets from the conference: